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Religious Education 

“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. ”
Deuteronomy 6:6 (ESV)

Redeemer Sunday School 
9:45 AM in-person Sunday School for all ages with Pastor's class livestream.

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Young Children's with Families Group


​This group is for babies through those who are 7 years old with their parents and families.


Redeemer ELBOWS meets with children and their families on Sundays at 9:45AM in-person and Thursdays at  5PM-5:29PM via Zoom. 


Be sure to communicate with Deaconess Rojas for the Zoom link if you have not received it.

Children's Group


This group is for people from age 8 through sixth grade.  


Redeemer CHEEKS meets Sundays at 9:45AM in-person and Thursdays at 5:30PM-6:00PM via Zoom. 


Be sure to communicate with Deaconess Rojas for the Zoom link if you have not received it.

The Youth Catechumenate


This group is for people in grades 7 through 12.


Redeemer EYES-- Youth Catechumenate meets on Sundays at 9:45AM in-person and 5PM via in-person on Fridays. 


Be sure to communicate with Deaconess Rojas for the Zoom link if you have not received it.

The Adult Catechumenate

The Adult Catechumenate


If you are not yet baptized, not yet confirmed, want to join this congregation or want to learn more about this congregation or the Christian faith,please communicate with Deaconess or Pastor.

Sunday School 9_45.

Sunday School with Pastor 


On Sundays at 9:45AM, we are meeting in-person and via Zoom for Sunday School

(Pastor’s Class).


Here is the connection information:


Meeting ID: 977 9961 5449


To hear the Sunday School (Pastor’s Class) at 9:45AM and respond only with audio and

no visual, please dial 1 929.205.6099 and then type in this Meeting ID 977 9961 5449

followed by the pound key #.

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