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The Body of Christ Jesus

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From Some of Our Parish Auxiliaries


We celebrate the many parts of the Body of Christ. 

Redeemer ARMS

Always Rejoicing in Movement and Song


If you are interested in liturgical dancing, please communicate with Kenisha Barrett, Dahlia Rose Cummings, Lisa Morris, or Pastor.  Rehearsals are on Saturdays at 3:15PM.

November 23

December 28

January 11
April 19

May 17

June 7

December 24 3:30PM ARMS
December 27 6:30PM Sunday School (Christmas Program)


Redeemer CHEEKS

Children Having Enrichment and Excitement in the King’s Service

(Children’s Group ages 8-12 years old)

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
St. Matthew 19:14 ESV


MEETINGS for Redeemer CHEEKS are on Thursdays at 5:30PM and on Sundays at
9:45AM. In addition, in-person meetings will be announced. For information or log-in
information, please contact Deaconess so that you may register for Sunday School at the
same time. Thursday Zoom sessions resume on Thursday, September 12 at 5:30PM.

CHEEKS RETREATS. CHEEKS is meeting for retreats on the following Saturdays that
include the Saturday evening Liturgies—3PM to 7PM.
                                       November 16      January 11      May 17

BLESSING OF BABIES, CHILDREN, AND TEENAGERS. There is a special blessing of the children and teenagers on Ascension Day—Thursday, May 29 at 12Noon and 6:30PM.

VIGIL OF PENTECOST. The Vigil of Pentecost includes the baptisms, confirmations and
first Holy Communions for youth. This is on Saturday, June 7 at 5:30PM. Please be sure
to save the date.

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Redeemer EARS

Enthusiastically Adoring our Redeemer in Song 

(musical instrumentalist)


If you are interested in playing handbells, please note these rehearsal dates: November 7       

              November 21      December 5    December 12        December 19

Rehearsals are at 12Noon. If you are interested in participating, please communicate with
Cantor Boehler.

DO YOU PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT? If you do, please communicate with Cantor Boehler or Pastor so that you may share your gifts during the Liturgies.


Arts in Mission-NY, a musical outreach of our sister congregation, St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church, is now offering free online YouTube music activities for families with toddlers. Please contact Cantor Boehler at

Redeemer ELBOWS​

Everyone Learning the Bible for our Worship and Service

(Young Children with the Family Group ages birth- 7 years old)


MEETINGS for Redeemer ELBOWS are on Thursdays at 5PM and Sundays at 9:45AM. In addition, in-person meetings will be announced. For information or log-in information, please contact Deaconess so that you may register for Sunday School and receive information. Thursday Zoom sessions resume Thursday, September 12 at 5PM.

immediately following the 11AM Liturgy on the following days:
October 20      January 26       June 1

BLESSING OF BABIES, CHILDREN, AND TEENAGERS. There is a special blessing of the children and teenagers on Ascension Day—Thursday, May 29 at 12Noon and 6:30PM.

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Redeemer EYES (Energetic Youth Engaged in Service)

Redeemer EYES

Energetic Youth Engaged in Service

(Youth Group)


“How can a young man keep his way pure?

By guarding it according to Your Word.”

Psalm 119:9 (ESV)

DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR, EYES MEETS ON FRIDAYS 6:30PM. EYES meets on Fridays at 6:30PM. Please communicate with Deaconess and Pastor if you would like to participate.

THE YOUTH CATECHUMENATE. This meets on Fridays at 5PM and people are expected to be present on Sundays at 9:45AM. If you are in grades 7-12 are not baptized, confirmed, or receiving the Lord’s Supper or if you want to join the Church, please communicate with Deaconess or Pastor. Regular sessions for these resume on September 20 at 5PM.

Some EYES Fundraisers

EYES is selling eyeglass cleaners, Redeemer T-shirts, and keychains.

Please see any of our youth to make your purchase.

PANCAKE SALE. EYES is hosting a Pancake Sale on the weekend of February 8-9, 2025. Funds raised assist with attending the LCMS Youth Gathering.

RETREAT. EYES is scheduled for a retreat on February 16-17, 2025. Things would begin at Redeemer with the morning Liturgies and religious education activities.

FESTIVAL OF WORKSHOPS. The Atlantic District Festival of Workshops is scheduled for Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 9AM at SUNY Maritime in The Bronx. Please save the date for this important educational event.

LCMS YOUTH GATHERING. The LCMS Youth Gathering is scheduled for July 19-23, 2025 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Please save the date as we continue preparations.

BLESSING OF BABIES, CHILDREN, AND TEENAGERS. There is a special blessing of the children and teenagers on Ascension Day—Thursday, May 29 at 12Noon and 6:30PM.

VIGIL OF PENTECOST. The Vigil of Pentecost includes the baptisms, confirmations and first Holy Communions for youth. This is on Saturday, June 7 at 5:30PM. Please be sure to save the date.

November 24 11AM EYES
November 27 6:30PM EYES
December 15 11AM EYES
December 24 6:30PM EYES
December 27 6:30PM Sunday School (Christmas Program)

Redeemer FEET

Fun and Educational Exercising Together

SENIOR PLANET EVENT. Activate the joints and muscles to become limber and increase balance during this chair exercise class. Have your dumbbells, water bottles, soup cans or towels ready to use for resistance. Trainer: Mary Breyette, Executive Director of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Clinton County

Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays: Zoom Meeting ID: 974 2399 6299 Tuesdays and Thursdays: Zoom Meeting ID: 853 133 798

Redeemer HEARTS

Here, Eager And Ready To Serve

(Young Adult Group)


“Your young men shall see visions.” Joel 2:28 (ESV)


HEARTS is sponsoring a church cleaning event on Friday, November 15 from 1PM to 8PM. This event is for people in HEARTS and not in HEARTS. If you are interested, please contact Deaconess Rojas so that preparations may be made.


HEARTS is leading a church decorating event on December 22 after the 11AM Liturgy. This is for all (those who are in HEARTS and not in HEARTS). If you are able to assist, please contact Deaconess Rojas so that preparations may be made.


The Epiphany Drama is on January 6 at the 6:30PM Liturgy. 

Redeemer HEARTS (Here, Eager And Ready to Serve)

Redeemer LAPS

Learning to Assist Parents and Seniors

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT. If you have need of some medical equipment (crutches, wheel chair, travel chair, canes, etc.), please contact the Parish Office before your purchase things. People often donate these items to Redeemer so that they can be passed along to others for their use.

Redeemer LEGS

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen in Service

(Men’s Group) 


“Blessed it the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life…” James 1:12 (ESV)

LEGS MEETINGS. Redeemer LEGS (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen in Service) is meeting at 9AM in-person on the first Saturday in the month, unless indicated otherwise.
There are no meetings in July and August.

2024: November 2       December 14 (note changed date)
2025: January 4      February 1      March 1      April 5      May 10 (note changed date)      June 7

DINNER DANCE. LEGS is hosting an Advent Dinner Dance on December 7. Tickets are $50 a person. Please start saving now for this beautiful event.

MEN’S HEALTH FAIR. LEGS is planning a Men’s Health Fair on Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 9AM. The focus will be on mental health. More information will follow.

FESTIVAL OF WORKSHOPS. The Atlantic District Festival of Workshops is scheduled for Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 9AM at SUNY Maritime in The Bronx. Please save the date for this important educational event.

GENTLEMEN’S BREAKFAST. The LEGS Gentlemen’s Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, March 29 at 9AM at Redeemer.

LEGS EMAILS. If you do not receive LEGS emails and want to participate in LEGS activities, please contact Pastor (

Redeemer LEGS (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen in Service)
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Redeemer LIPS

Ladies In Prayer and Service

(Ladies’ Group)


“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30 (ESV)


Redeemer LIPS (Ladies In Prayer and Service) meets at 7PM via Zoom.
2024: January 8 (note changed date) February 5 March 4
April 8 (note changed date) May 6 June 3

September 9 (note changed date) October 7 November 4 December 2

2025: January 13 (note changed date) February 3 March 3 April 7

May 5 June 2

If you do not receive LIPS emails and want to participate in LIPS activities, please
communicate with Pastor (


The tentative date for a visit to the Laconia Nursing Home is Saturday, December 14 at 10AM.


LIPS is hosting a Soup Sale after the Liturgies on January 18-19, 2025.


The Atlantic District Festival of Workshops is scheduled for Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 9AM at SUNY Maritime in The Bronx. Please save the date for this important educational event.


The LIPS Anniversary Luncheon is scheduled for Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 10:30AM at Redeemer. The theme is “Building up Others.” More information will follow.

Redeemer LUNGS

Lifting Up the Name of God (Adult Choir)

REHEARSALS. LUNGS rehearsals normally are at 4PM on Saturdays.

November 16
December 7
January 11
April 19
April 26
May 17
June 7

June 28

There may be more for this list, so please continue to watch the calendar.

November 1 12Noon LUNGS
November 1 6:30PM LUNGS
November 10 8AM and 11AM LUNGS
November 28 10AM LUNGS


December 1 8AM and 11AM LUNGS
December 25 10AM LUNGS
December 31 6:30PM LUNGS


January 12 8AM and 11AM LUNGS

Redeemer WRISTS (Women Rejoicing In Service To Society)

Redeemer WRISTS

Women Rejoicing In Service To Society

(Ladies’ Group)


“Serve the Lord with gladness!” Psalm 100:2 (ESV)


Redeemer WRISTS is meeting on the following day at 12Noon in-person with live stream capability:
2024: January 8 (note changed date) February 5 March 4
April 8 (note changed date) May 6 June 3
September 9 (note changed date) October 7 November 4 December 2

2025: January 6 (Liturgy at 12Noon)


WRISTS is hosting its Advent Luncheon on Monday, December 2 at the 12Noon at The Crab Shanty on City Island. Those who wish to attend should communicate with Deaconess ( by November 25 at 12Noon and pay $30 per person for lunch.


WRISTS is hosting a bake sale after the Liturgies on February 22-23, 2025.

FESTIVAL OF WORKSHOPS. The Atlantic District Festival of Workshops is scheduled for Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 9AM at SUNY Maritime in The Bronx. Please save the date for this important educational event.


The WRISTS Tag Sale is scheduled for June 14, 2025.



WRISTS is selling hot dogs on Father’s Day weekend after the Liturgies on June 14-15, 2025. Men and boys receive their first hot dog for free on Father’s Day weekend.

Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church, Th
Redeemer's Mission Statement
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