Your gift helps us touch lives with God's love
Redeemer has been blessed with many different electronic giving platforms. ​​
This is a free service offered by most banks!
Go to www.zellepay.com to get started. With this giving platform:
1. You must have a checking account.
2. The account name is: Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church.
3. The email address associated with this account is: Donation@redeemerlutheranbronx.org.
It is very important to have entered that email address correctly. If you want a confirmation of your donation, you may send an email to Donation@redeemerlutheranbronx.org and receive a brief message indicating the status of your offering via Zelle.
Text Giving - 833-983-5258
1.Text a dollar amount (the amount to be donated) to the ten-digit number 833-983-5258.
2. A link will be provided, with self-explanatory information - takes you to the web browser to input name + payment info.
3. If you want to give to funds, text "funds" - again a link will be provided, with self-explanatory information.
Vanco Online eGiving
Please go to our website redeemerlutheranbronx.org and click the “Donate” word on the top right side of the homepage and follow the directions indicated. Vanco Online eGiving allows you to add the processing fee to your donation so that Redeemer may receive your full intended donation.
Vanco Mobile App Giving (replaces the Give+ App)
Go the App Store (apple devices) or Google Play (android) devices. Download the App: Vanco Mobile
1. Search Organizations: Enter “Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church”
a. Look for Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church in The Bronx NY with zip code 10466 and select this church.
2. For existing users (with the Give+ App), log in with your user info. New Users need to Sign Up for an Account. After logging in, select your Fund, Frequency and Amount of Donation
3. Enter Payment Method
4. Choose to Cover Processing Fees
5. Complete Your Donation
Please go to our website redeemerlutheranbronx.org and click the “Donate” word on the top right side of the homepage and follow the directions indicated. ​
Automatic Bill Pay
You may contact your bank and arrange for “Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church” to be part of your regular, automatic “bill payment” electronic offering. A check would be generated as often as you wish and mailed directly to Redeemer from your bank.
US Postal Service
You may mail your offerings using the United States Postal Service to:
Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church
4360 Rev. Theodore Wittrock Crossing (Boyd Avenue)
The Bronx, NY 10466-1804
Drop It through the Mail Slot
You may drop your offering through the “Letters” box in the white Parish Office door. This door is located at the top of three steps in the alley way between the church building and the Parish House on Boyd Avenue.
Bring It with You when You Come to Worship
You may bring your offerings with you when you come to worship. You may place them in the offering plates during the Liturgies.