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Sunday, March 24 -Sunday of the Passion/ Palm Sunday 
The color of the day is scarlet/deep red.
8 AM Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist  
9:45 AM Palm Sunday Parade
11 AM Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist with live stream​
Zoom Meeting ID: 977 9961 5449
Please turn your videos on for Bible Study and worship and make sure you are using your name as your Zoom identification.


Tuesday, March 26 - Chrism Mass
The color of the day is white. 
12Noon Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist 


Thursday, March 28 - Maundy Thursday 
The color of the. day is scarlet/deep red. 
12Noon  Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist 
6:30 PM Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist with live stream
Zoom Meeting ID: 89550094409
Please turn your videos on for Bible Study and worship and make sure you are using your name as your Zoom identification.


Friday, March 29  - Good Friday 
The color of the day is black/white. 
12Noon Good Friday Liturgy 
6:30 PM Good Friday Liturgy with live stream
Zoom Meeting ID: 89550094409
Please turn your videos on for Bible Study and worship and make sure you are using your name as your Zoom identification.


Saturday, March 30 - The Great Vigil of Easter 
The color of the day is gold/white. 
5:30PM Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist 

Sunday, March 31 - The Resurrection of our Lord/ Easter Sunday
The color of the day is gold/white. 
8AM Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist 

Easter Breakfast: 9AM -11:30AM 

10AM Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist with live stream
Zoom Meeting ID: 977 9961 5449
Please turn your videos on for Bible Study and worship and make sure you are using your name as your Zoom identification.

12Noon Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist 

Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church, Th
Redeemer's Mission Statement
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